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Month: March 2022

Continúa la “Gran renuncia”: 4,4 millones de estadounidenses dejaron sus empleos el mes pasado

Alexandra Ferguson Nueva York (CNN Business) —  La escasez de trabajadores ha sido una de las marcas distintivas de la economía pandémica, y está lejos de resolverse. En febrero, las empresas estadounidenses tenían 11,3 millones de vacantes por cubrir, algo más de lo que habían previsto los economistas. El nivel de empleos disponibles ha variado

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President Joe Biden speaks about his proposed budget for fiscal year 2023 in the State Dining Room of the White House

Companies are spending more than ever buying their own stock. Joe Biden wants to put a stop to that

By Nicole Goodkind, CNN Business President Joe Biden delivered a strong message to corporate executives this week in his 2023 spending plan: Share the wealth. His administration wants to discourage stock buybacks, which critics say allow ultra-wealthy executives to manipulate markets while funneling corporate profits into their own pockets instead of the economy. Last year,

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