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Month: March 2022

More than $1 million flowed from the Clinton campaign and DNC to the law firm Perkins Coie

FEC fines Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC over Trump-Russia dossier research

By Marshall Cohen Federal election regulators fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee earlier this month for not properly disclosing the money they spent on controversial opposition research that led to the infamous Trump-Russia dossier. The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8,000, according to a letter

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Mueren dos presuntos pandilleros en enfrentamiento con la policía en El Salvador

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN Español) — Dos presuntos pandilleros de la Mara Salvatrucha murieron este miércoles al enfrentarse a policías cuando realizaban un patrullaje en el cantón Las Lajitas, en el departamento Morazán, a 171 kilómetros de San Salvador, informaron las autoridades. De acuerdo con la Policía Nacional Civil, los hechos ocurrieron en una zona

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Viasat has been working to respond to the hack in the weeks since. It has shipped nearly 30

US satellite operator says persistent cyberattack at beginning of Ukraine war affected tens of thousands of customers

By Sean Lyngaas, CNN A multi-faceted cyberattack at the onset of Russia’s war on Ukraine knocked out internet service for tens of thousands of satellite modems in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, the US-based telecommunications provider that owns the network said Wednesday. It’s the most detailed public account yet of one of the most consequential

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El expresidente de Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández presenta recurso de amparo contra su extradición a EE.UU.

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN Español) – Los abogados del expresidente de Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández presentaron este martes un recurso de amparo en la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia contra la resolución de extradición del exmandatario a Estados Unidos, quien lo reclama para que enfrente cargos relacionados con el tráfico de drogas, dijo

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Facebook resorts to old smear tactics against TikTok

By The Associated Press WASHINGTON Meta, Facebook’s parent company, hired a Republican consulting firm called Targeted Victory to “orchestrate a nationwide campaign” against TikTok, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday. Targeted Victory, according to the Post, contracted with dozens of public relations firms across the U.S. to help “sway public opinion against TikTok” by addition

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