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Month: March 2022

Hija de Bruce Willis, Scout, agradece todos los mensajes apoyo ante la enfermedad de su padre

macamilarincon (CNN) –– Bruce Willis y su familia compartieron una noticia muy personal esta semana y su hija Scout sintió una gran respuesta de apoyo. Este miércoles, su familia anunció que Willis se retirará de la actuación porque tiene afasia, una condición que afecta sus habilidades cognitivas. Bruce Willis dejará la actuación por problemas de

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Nevada gun manufacturer’s license is revoked after lawsuit

By MICHAEL BALSAMO Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal officials have revoked the license of a Nevada-based gun manufacturer that was accused of illegally selling guns and went bankrupt but then rebranded itself. The revocation comes after a lawsuit alleged the Justice Department didn’t conduct proper oversight before issuing the license. The decision to revoke

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Nevada gun manufacturer’s license is revoked after lawsuit

By MICHAEL BALSAMO Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal officials have revoked the license of a Nevada-based gun manufacturer that was accused of illegally selling guns and went bankrupt but then rebranded itself. The revocation comes after a lawsuit alleged the Justice Department didn’t conduct proper oversight before issuing the license. The decision to revoke

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Corea del Norte no dice toda la verdad sobre su última prueba de misil balístico intercontinental, según un funcionario surcoreano

urielblanco (CNN) — El lanzamiento de un misil balístico intercontinental (ICBM) por parte de Corea del Norte la semana pasada, del que se dijo que era el más formidable hasta la fecha, puede haber sido un arma menos avanzada de lo que se creía, según un funcionario militar surcoreano. El funcionario, que habló bajo condición

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signaled support for stripping Disney of its 55-year-old special status that allows the entertainment company to operate as an independent government around its Orlando-area theme park.

Ron DeSantis signals support for stripping Disney of special self-governing status as feud escalates

By Steve Contorno, CNN Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signaled support for stripping Disney of its 55-year-old special status that allows the entertainment company to operate as an independent government around its Orlando-area theme park. It’s the latest fallout in the feud between DeSantis, a Republican widely seen as a potential 2024 presidential contender,

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Former Disney CEO Robert Iger

Bob Iger on opposing the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill: ‘It’s about right and wrong’

By Jordan Valinsky, CNN Business Former Disney CEO Bob Iger is breaking from his successor on Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” law. Bob Chapek, Iger’s successor, initially opted not to speak out against the controversial law. But corporate executives should voice their opinions about ethical dilemmas, Iger recently told CNN+ host Chris Wallace. “A

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