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Month: February 2022

Máximo Kirchner renuncia a la presidencia del bloque de Diputados del Frente de Todos de Argentina

Sol Amaya (CNN Español) — Máximo Carlos Kirchner, hijo de los expresidentes de Argentina Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, renunció este lunes a la presidencia del bloque de Diputados del Frente de Todos en rechazo a los términos del entendimiento entre el Gobierno de Argentina y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). El anuncio

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Black university in St. Louis closes after bomb threat

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Investigators say Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis is closed Tuesday after the historically Black school received a bomb threat. Harris-Stowe officials said the university was closed until further notice “out of an abundance of caution.” Law enforcement agencies are checking all the campus facilities. Several other historically Black universities across

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The inside of a Tesla vehicle is viewed as it sits parked in a new Tesla showroom and service center in Red Hook

Tesla recalls all 53,822 vehicles with its ‘full self-driving’ feature

By Matt McFarland, CNN Business Tesla will recall all 53,822 vehicles with its “full self-driving” driver-assist feature after it was intentionally programmed to slowly roll through stop signs in some scenarios. The recall will impact Model S, X, 3 and Y vehicles that have its beta version of the “full self-driving” software enabled. “Full self-driving”

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Amnistía Internacional acusa a Israel de apartheid por trato a los palestinos, provocando una fuerte respuesta

Alexandra Ferguson Jerusalén (CNN) —  Amnistía Internacional es la más reciente organización de derechos humanos que acusa a Israel de apartheid por su trato a los palestinos, lo que provocó una airada respuesta de Israel, que denunció el informe como antisemita. El informe de casi 300 páginas de Amnistía, publicado este martes, detalla “actos inhumanos

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