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Month: February 2022

Jacobellis crosses the finish line to win the gold medal during the women's snowboard cross big final.

Lindsey Jacobellis wins Team USA’s first gold medal at Beijing Games with victory in women’s snowboard cross

By Aleks Klosok and Ben Morse, CNN Lindsey Jacobellis secured Team USA’s first gold medal at the Beijing Olympics with victory in the women’s snowboard cross big final on Wednesday. After near misses at previous Games, the 36-year-old finally topped the podium at her fifth Winter Olympics. “This feels incredible because this level that all

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A protester walks in front of parked trucks on February 8 as demonstrators in Ottawa

Protesters angry over Canadian Covid-19 mandates have blocked key roads and bridges. Now a judge has temporarily banned some from honking their horns

By Paula Newton, Aya Elamroussi and Paul P. Murphy, CNN Tensions stemming from protests spearheaded by Canadian truck drivers over the country’s Covid-19 mandates have been simmering in recent weeks, so much so that traffic at key US transit points has ground to a stop and a judge has temporarily banned demonstrators in the nation’s

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The Biden administration believes it has until the end of February to salvage the Iran nuclear agreement

Biden administration believes it has until end of month to salvage Iran nuclear deal

By Kylie Atwood, CNN The Biden administration believes it has until the end of February to salvage the Iran nuclear agreement, otherwise the US will have to change tack and launch aggressive efforts to prevent Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, according to three administration officials. “This session is the critical one,” a senior administration

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Los casos y las hospitalizaciones por covid-19 aún son demasiado altos para cambiar la guía de mascarillas, dice la directora de los CDC

olivertapia (CNN) — La jefa de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU. (CDC) defiende las pautas de uso de mascarillas de la agencia y el martes subrayó que ahora no es el momento de cambiar las recomendaciones o relajar las restricciones destinadas a prevenir el covid-19. Los CDC “todavía

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