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Month: February 2022

Nuevas imágenes satelitales muestran la continua acumulación militar rusa en tres flancos de Ucrania

olivertapia (CNN) — Nuevas imágenes satelitales publicadas por una empresa de tecnología con sede en EE.UU. parecen mostrar la continua acumulación militar rusa en Crimea, el oeste de Rusia y Belarús, a medida que aumenta la presión sobre Ucrania desde tres direcciones, lo que subraya los temores de que el Kremlin esté planeando una incursión

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La agencia antidopaje rusa permitió a Kamila Valieva competir en los Juegos Olímpicos a pesar de una prueba de dopaje fallida

olivertapia (CNN) — La Agencia Internacional de Pruebas (ITA, por sus siglas en inglés) confirmó que Kamila Valieva, de 15 años, del Comité Olímpico Ruso (ROC), no pasó una prueba de dopaje realizada en diciembre, antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Beijing 2022. Valieva, quien ayudó al Comité Olímpico Ruso a llevarse el

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Protestors against Covid-19 vaccine mandates block the roadway at the Ambassador Bridge border crossing in Windsor

They are protesting Covid restrictions and support is growing. This is what could happen in the Canada protests next

By Paula Newton, CNN For two weeks now, Freedom Convoy protesters in Canada have managed to frustrate both law enforcement and political leaders with their unyielding protests against Covid-19 restrictions. Police forces across the country have expressed their reluctance to move in swiftly, saying they prefer to avoid confrontation. The ‘Freedom Convoy’ started as a

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Protestors against Covid-19 vaccine mandates block the roadway at the Ambassador Bridge border crossing in Windsor

They are protesting Covid restrictions and support is growing. This is what could happen in the Canada protests next

By Paula Newton, CNN For two weeks now, Freedom Convoy protesters in Canada have managed to frustrate both law enforcement and political leaders with their unyielding protests against Covid-19 restrictions. Police forces across the country have expressed their reluctance to move in swiftly, saying they prefer to avoid confrontation. The ‘Freedom Convoy’ started as a

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