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Month: January 2022

Vehicles in the protest convoy parked on a road leading into downtown Ottawa on Sunday.

Truckers and protesters against Covid-19 mandates block a border crossing. Others tried to take meals away from the homeless in Ottawa, shelter says

By Paula Newton and Holly Yan, CNN What started as a convoy of truckers protesting Covid-19 mandates has snowballed into a blockade in the Canadian capital and the obstruction of a US-Canadian border crossing. Some protesters pressured staff at a homeless shelter to give them food, the facility said. And criminal investigations are underway after

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Trump dice que quería que Pence anulara la elección de 2020 y afirma falsamente que era el “derecho” del vicepresidente

urielblanco (CNN) — El expresidente Donald Trump aseguró el domingo en un comunicado que quería que el entonces vicepresidente Mike Pence anulara las elecciones presidenciales de 2020, repitiendo la falsa afirmación de que Pence tenía el poder de hacerlo. Trump, además, arremetió contra los recientes esfuerzos bipartidistas para reformar la Ley de Conteo Electoral (ECA

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President Joe Biden has selected an ambassador to Ukraine but is waiting on the Ukrainian government's approval. Biden here speaks to a crowd at the Atlanta University Center Consortium on January 11

Biden has selected ambassador to Ukraine but is waiting on Ukraine’s approval

By Kaitlan Collins, Natasha Bertrand and Kate Sullivan, CNN President Joe Biden is close to publicly naming his ambassador to Ukraine, but his administration is still waiting on formal approval from the Ukrainian government, US and Ukrainian sources told CNN. Biden has selected Bridget Brink, the current US ambassador to Slovakia, but hasn’t officially nominated

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The Biden administration begins quietly flying Venezuelan migrants to Colombia. Pictured is a group of Venezuelan migrants gathered at the immigrant aid center in Sibate

US begins quietly flying Venezuelan migrants to Colombia under controversial border policy

By Priscilla Alvarez, CNN The Biden administration, unable to return an increasing number of Venezuelans arrested at the US-Mexico border to their home country, is now sending those migrants to Colombia if they previously resided there, according to two Homeland Security officials. White House officials have grown increasingly concerned about the large numbers of single

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