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Month: January 2022

England lifts COVID restrictions as omicron threat recedes

By SYLVIA HUI Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Most coronavirus restrictions, including mandatory face masks, have been lifted in England after Britain’s government said its vaccine booster rollout successfully reduced serious illness and COVID-19 hospitalizations. From Thursday, face coverings are no longer required by law anywhere in England, and a legal requirement for COVID passes

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Las ranas pueden hacer crecer sus extremidades perdidas si son tratadas con una mezcla de fármacos, según un nuevo estudio

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Algunas criaturas inusuales tienen la capacidad innata de regenerar sus extremidades: salamandras, estrellas de mar, cangrejos, lagartos y tritones. Estos poderes extraordinarios no los comparten la mayoría de los animales, incluidos los humanos, aunque los científicos llevan mucho tiempo tratando de entenderlos y reproducirlos en un intento de regenerar miembros para

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Manchin and Sinema have hurt Biden’s agenda, but haven’t voted against a court nominee

By Tierney Sneed, CNN Whatever issues Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have caused for President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda, their records on Biden’s judicial confirmation efforts are a positive signal for the President as he seeks to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. Neither Manchin nor Sinema has voted against any of Biden’s

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Whatever issues Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have caused for President Joe Biden's legislative agenda

Manchin and Sinema have hurt Biden’s agenda, but haven’t voted against a court nominee

By Tierney Sneed, CNN Whatever issues Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have caused for President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda, their records on Biden’s judicial confirmation efforts are a positive signal for the President as he seeks to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. Neither Manchin nor Sinema has voted against any of Biden’s

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