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Month: December 2021

Former President Donald Trump showed "a flagrant lack of regard for public health" and endangered White House staff by not disclosing a positive Covid-19 test he received last year

Ex-White House official says Trump showed ‘flagrant lack of regard for public health’ in keeping positive Covid test secret

By Devan Cole, CNN Former President Donald Trump showed “a flagrant lack of regard for public health” and endangered White House staff by not disclosing a positive Covid-19 test he received last year, his former communications director said Wednesday. “Full stop, this demonstrates a flagrant lack of regard for public health and for the well-being

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Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Thursday called for an investigation of a journalist for finding

Gov. Parson appoints new Audrain County Eastern District Commissioner

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMIZ)  Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced five appointments to various boards and commissions and filled two county office vacancies.  The governor appointed Leslie Meyer, of Benton City, as the Audrain County Eastern District Commissioner.  Meyer owns several businesses and her photography work has won the Travel Missouri photography contest and has been featured in Teen

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Qué significa el hallazgo de una sustancia cancerígena en los desodorantes retirados del mercado

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — El benceno, una sustancia química conocida por ser cancerígena, está presente en más de la mitad de 108 lotes de aerosoles corporales antitranspirantes y desodorantes de 30 marcas diferentes, según una petición ciudadana presentada este mes ante la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en

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