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Month: December 2021

La variante ómicron estaba en Europa mucho antes de que comenzaran las prohibiciones de viaje al sur de África

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Cuando las autoridades de Sudáfrica alertaron sobre la nueva variante ómicron el pasado jueves, las acciones se desplomaron en todo el mundo y hasta 70 países, incluido Estados Unidos, impusieron prohibiciones y restricciones de viaje a los países del sur de África. La respuesta instintiva siguió a la noticia de que

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Dozens of women who say they were sexually abused by former gynecologist Robert Hadden reached a settlement with the hospital system that employed him that will allow them to seek money from a $71.5 million victims' compensation fund.

Some victims of former New York gynecologist Robert Hadden reach $71.5 million settlement

By Sonia Moghe, CNN Dozens of women who say they were sexually abused by former gynecologist Robert Hadden reached a settlement with the hospital system that employed him that will allow them to seek money from a $71.5 million victims’ compensation fund. Columbia University Irving Medical Center and New York-Presbyterian Hospital reached the settlement with

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