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Month: November 2021

Since South African authorities announced the arrival of a new coronavirus variant that contains an unusually large number of mutations

How worried should we be about Omicron, the new coronavirus variant?

By Katia Hetter, CNN Since South African authorities announced the arrival of a new coronavirus variant that contains an unusually large number of mutations, countries around the world have mobilized by putting into place travel restrictions and precautionary measures. There is much that’s still unknown about this variant, Omicron. While scientists are gathering more information,

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Since South African authorities announced the arrival of a new coronavirus variant that contains an unusually large number of mutations

How worried should we be about Omicron, the new coronavirus variant?

By Katia Hetter, CNN Since South African authorities announced the arrival of a new coronavirus variant that contains an unusually large number of mutations, countries around the world have mobilized by putting into place travel restrictions and precautionary measures. There is much that’s still unknown about this variant, Omicron. While scientists are gathering more information,

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El ministro de Salud de Israel dice que hay “indicios” de que la vacuna protege contra la variante ómicron

Sol Amaya (CNN) — El ministro de Salud de Israel, Nitzan Horowitz, dijo este martes que los “indicios” muestran que las personas que han recibido el refuerzo de la vacuna contra el coronavirus están “protegidas” contra la nueva variante ómicron. “Tenemos indicios de que las personas con refuerzo están protegidas y no hay razón para

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US President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Covid-19 response and the vaccination program at the White House on August 23 in Washington

Biden administration considering requiring stricter coronavirus testing for everyone traveling to US

By Kaitlan Collins and Maegan Vazquez, CNN Top US government officials are considering requiring everyone who enters the country to be tested for Covid-19 the day before their flight and having all travelers — including US citizens and permanent residents — be tested again after returning home, regardless of vaccination status, sources familiar with the

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