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Month: November 2021

La defensa de Trump expone argumentos para defender el privilegio ejecutivo en una audiencia judicial de alto vuelo

Germán Padinger (CNN) — El poder que tiene Donald Trump como expresidente se pondrá a prueba este jueves mientras una jueza federal escucha los argumentos sobre si puede mantener en secreto documentos producidos durante su gobierno sobre su intento de anular las elecciones de 2020. Donald Trump ha pedido al Tribunal de Distrito de Washington

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Gobernador de Texas califica como “pornografía” libros de temática LGBTQ y pide que sean retirados de bibliotecas escolares

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — El gobernador de Texas Greg Abbott, un republicano, pidió a las juntas escolares del estado que eliminen los libros que describió como “pornografía”, una medida que se produjo después de que al menos dos legisladores estatales pidieran a los funcionarios que investiguen qué libros hay en las escuelas. La carta

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Attorneys supporting Ahmaud Arbery's family denounced the jury selection process in the trial of Gregory McMichael (left)

Attorneys criticize jury selection in the trial of the men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery as court prepares for opening statements

By Dakin Andone and Devon M. Sayers, CNN Attorneys supporting Ahmaud Arbery’s family on Thursday denounced the jury selection process in the trial of the men accused of the Black man’s killing after only one Black juror was seated along with 11 White jurors. Barbara Arnwine, president of the Transformative Justice Coalition, criticized defense attorneys

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Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Adam Kinzinger isn’t ruling out a 2024 presidential bid as he considers his future after the House

By Melanie Zanona, CNN Rep. Adam Kinzinger is actively weighing whether to seek his political fortunes in the Senate, the Illinois governor’s mansion or even the White House, despite serious questions about whether there’s any future at all for a Donald Trump critic like him in today’s GOP. Acknowledging his potential career options and timeline

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