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Month: November 2021

Los estados y ciudades de EE.UU. que les pagan a los niños si se vacunan contra el covid-19

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Millones de niños en Estados Unidos se volvieron elegibles para recibir la vacuna contra el covid-19 esta semana. Y algunos funcionarios están mejorando el trato al incluirlos en varios programas de incentivos. En la ciudad de Nueva York, los niños pueden reclamar US$ 100 si reciben su primera dosis de

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A crowd wave Ethiopian flags during a memorial service for the victims of the Tigray conflict organized by the city administration

Armed groups join forces in Ethiopia in biggest threat yet to embattled Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

By Eliza Mackintosh, CNN Armed groups fighting Ethiopia’s central government are swelling in numbers as they advance on the capital, Addis Ababa, posing the biggest threat to embattled Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s rule since a bloody year-long conflict began in the country’s northern Tigray region a year ago. Nine groups opposing the government — a

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