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Month: November 2021

Republican Rep. Fred Upton on Monday shared a threatening voicemail he had received after voting for the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week. Upton is shown here at a hearing of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy.

Republican congressman details threatening voicemail he received after voting for bipartisan infrastructure bill

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Republican Rep. Fred Upton on Monday shared a threatening voicemail he had received after voting for the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week. In the voicemail, which Upton played during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on “AC360,” a caller told the Michigan Republican: “I hope you die. I hope everybody in

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Sarah Jessica Parker no está aquí para aguantar tu discriminación “misógina” por su envejecimiento

Ángela Reyes (CNN) — Sarah Jessica Parker está respondiendo a las críticas sobre su aspecto físico a medida que envejece. Parker dice que ella y sus excoprotagonistas de “Sex and the City” han recibido algunos comentarios negativos sobre cómo ha cambiado su aspecto físico a medida que envejecen. El elenco actualmente está en la producción

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Los neerlandeses son maestros en la domesticación del agua. El cambio climático les está enseñando a dejar que se inunde

Alexandra Ferguson Países Bajos (CNN) — Bajo la llovizna característica de los Países Bajos, Anneke van Lelieveld se abriga con su suéter naranja brillante en su casa junto al río New Merwede, y se gira para mirar los humedales que hay detrás de su jardín. Le encanta la vista. Le encanta poder atracar un bote

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Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats called on President Joe Biden on Monday to fight high gas prices by considering a release of barrels from the nation's emergency oil stockpile

Senate Democrats urge Biden to consider tapping emergency oil reserves or even ban oil exports to fight high gas prices

By Matt Egan, CNN Business Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats called on President Joe Biden on Monday to fight high gas prices by considering a release of barrels from the nation’s emergency oil stockpile, or even taking the more extreme step of banning oil exports. In the letter, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Jack Reed

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Comisión que investiga ataque del 6 de enero cita a declarar a principales socios de campaña de Trump, incluidos Michael Flynn y John Eastman

Ángela Reyes (CNN) — La comisión de la Cámara de Representantes que investiga el asalto mortal al Capitolio del 6 de enero anunció el lunes que emitió seis citaciones adicionales a algunos de los principales socios de la campaña de Trump, mientras continúa en la búsqueda de testimonios y documentos de testigos clave en la

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The Pentagon has intensified its effort to evacuate the families of Defense Department service members and civilians from Afghanistan

Pentagon intensifies effort to evacuate families of Defense Department service members from Afghanistan

By Oren Liebermann, CNN The Pentagon has intensified its effort to evacuate the families of Defense Department service members and civilians from Afghanistan, creating a system to track the number of immediate family members who remain there more than two months after the US withdrawal. In a memo, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin

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