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Month: November 2021

When President Joe Biden worked the phones for hours late into Friday night to push through his massive infrastructure bill

Biden wanted to remind Democrats what it was like to win. Now he’s aiming to capitalize on that momentum.

By Phil Mattingly, CNN When President Joe Biden worked the phones for hours late into Friday night to push through his massive infrastructure bill, what he really wanted was to show Democrats what it felt like to win. After months of missed deadlines, simmering distrust and political fallout, White House officials now hope success can

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Descubren fallos de software que hacen que los dispositivos médicos sean vulnerables a los hackers

Juan Pablo Elverdin Nueva York (CNN Business) — Los investigadores dicen que han encontrado más de una docena de vulnerabilidades en el software utilizado en los dispositivos médicos y en la maquinaria utilizada en otras industrias que, si son explotadas por un hacker, podrían hacer que los equipos críticos, como los monitores de los pacientes,

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Los mandatos de uso de mascarillas en las escuelas están empezando a desaparecer. ¿Es demasiado pronto?

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Cuando el superintendente de la escuela de Perrysburg, Thomas Hosler, envió una encuesta a los padres de su distrito del área de Toledo para ver cuántos querían vacunar a sus hijos contra el covid-19, recibió más de 20.000 respuestas negativas. Su distrito solo tiene 5.700 alumnos. “Está claro que alguien

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has directed state education officials to create new standards that would keep "pornography" and "obscene" content out of public schools after Republican lawmakers have recently targeted LGBTQ books.

Texas governor is asking agencies for new standards to ‘shield’ children from obscene content in schools

By Nicole Chavez, CNN Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has directed state education officials to create new standards that would keep “pornography” and “obscene” content out of public schools after Republican lawmakers have recently targeted LGBTQ books. In a letter sent Monday, Abbott urged leadership at the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas State Library and Archives

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Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers reappeared on "The Pat McAfee Show" Tuesday and took "full responsibility" for his comments last week about his vaccination status and being "in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now" over his vaccination status.

Aaron Rodgers says he takes full responsibility for Covid-19 and vaccination comments he made on radio show last week

By David Close and Amir Vera, CNN Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers reappeared on “The Pat McAfee Show” Tuesday and took “full responsibility” for his comments last week about his vaccination status and being “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” over his vaccination status. “I made some comments that people might

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