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Month: November 2021

Incorporating fruits and vegetables in meals and snacks throughout the day can help boost your immunity.

How to use food to boost your immune system

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Want to fight off infectious diseases this winter? Consider boosting your immune system with nutritious food. “What we eat is very important in terms of how our immune system responds to pathogens and how well it can defend itself against a pathogen,” said Dr. Simin Meydani, senior scientist and leader of

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Azeem Rafiq of Yorkshire bats during day three of the County Championship Division One match between Middlesex and Yorkshire at Lords on September 22

​Azeem Rafiq: ‘You lot sit over there near the toilets,’ says former cricketer as he details racial harassment and bullying

By Amy Woodyatt and Becky Thompson, CNN Former cricketer Azeem Rafiq has spoken to UK lawmakers about his calls for disciplinary action to be taken by Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) following an investigation that found he had been subjected to racial harassment and bullying. After a turbulent month which has brought to light multiple

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Estados Unidos dice que ‘no tolerará’ la prueba de misiles antisatélite ‘imprudente y peligrosa’ de Rusia

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Estados Unidos condenó enérgicamente una prueba antisatélite de Rusia el lunes que obligó a los miembros de la tripulación de la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) a meterse en su nave espacial por seguridad, calificándola de “un acto imprudente y peligroso”. Y dijo que “no tolerará” un comportamiento que pone en riesgo

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La fiscalía dice que Kyle Rittenhouse provocó tiroteos fatales, mientras que la defensa dice que temía por su vida

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Kyle Rittenhouse provocó los tiroteos fatales en Kenosha, Wisconsin, el año pasado al apuntar con su arma estilo AR-15 a Joseph Rosenbaum, dijeron los fiscales el lunes en los argumentos finales de su juicio por homicidio. “Eso es lo que provoca todo este incidente”, dijo el fiscal Thomas Binger. “Cuando el

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