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Month: October 2021

‘We need to admit reality,’ Facebook whistleblower says. Here’s what might happen next

By Brian Stelter, CNN Business A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. You can sign up for free right here. Frances Haugen was a product manager on Facebook’s civic misinformation team. “During her time at Facebook,” her bio says, “Frances became increasingly alarmed by the choices the company makes prioritizing

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The husband-and-wife duo redefining cultural architecture in China

Oscar Holland, CNN With China experiencing a museum boom, and cities of all sizes building cultural venues at unprecedented speed, there is something refreshingly modest about Li Hu and Huang Wenjing’s approach to architecture. The husband-and-wife duo, founders of Beijing-based practice Open Architecture, are responsible for some of the last decade’s most thought-provoking Chinese arts

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La carne a base de plantas estaba de moda. Ahora, los mariscos de origen vegetal son el centro de atención

urielblanco (CNN) — Empresas como Beyond Meat Inc e Impossible Foods registran fuertes ventas. A principios de este año, Target lanzó su propia línea de 30 opciones de comida vegana. Incluso el gigante Tyson Foods Inc ha entrado en escena con su reciente introducción de hamburguesas y salchichas veganas. Las ventas de carne de origen

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