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Month: October 2021

German parties look to Social Democrats to lead next govt

By GEIR MOULSON Associated Press BERLIN (AP) — The two parties that emerged as likely kingmakers from Germany’s election last month say they will hold talks on a possible new government under the leadership of outgoing center-left Social Democrats. If ultimately successful, the negotiations would send outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Union bloc into opposition

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German parties look to Social Democrats to lead next govt

By GEIR MOULSON Associated Press BERLIN (AP) — The two parties that emerged as likely kingmakers from Germany’s election last month say they will hold talks on a possible new government under the leadership of outgoing center-left Social Democrats. If ultimately successful, the negotiations would send outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Union bloc into opposition

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Sentencian a 15 meses de prisión a un hombre en Texas por publicar un engaño sobre el covid-19 en redes sociales

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Un hombre de Texas fue sentenciado a más de un año en una prisión federal por difundir un engaño relacionado con el covid-19 en sus redes sociales, dijeron los fiscales. La evidencia mostró que Christopher Charles Perez, de 40 años, publicó dos mensajes amenazadores en Facebook en abril de 2020,

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