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Month: October 2021

Blinken dice que EE.UU. insta “firmemente” a China a cesar su actividad militar cerca de Taiwán

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, instó este miércoles “firmemente” a China a que cese su actividad militar en torno a Taiwán, ya que la isla denunció incursiones récord en su espacio aéreo por parte de aviones de guerra chinos esta semana. “Estamos muy preocupados por la actividad

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday announced a nationwide Covid-19 vaccine mandate for rail and air travelers as well as staff. A healthcare worker is shown here preparing to administer a Pfizer/BioNTEch coronavirus vaccine at The Michener Institute

Canada issues Covid-19 vaccine mandate for travelers 12 or older on trains and planes

By Melissa Alonso, CNN Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday announced a nationwide Covid-19 vaccine mandate for rail and air travelers as well as staff. “Today we are fulfilling two of our main commitments — mandatory vaccination for federal employees and mandatory vaccination for travel,” Trudeau said. Canada will also have a vaccine mandate

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Solo el 37% de las personas en América Latina y el Caribe están completamente vacunadas contra el covid-19, dice la OPS

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Solo el 37% de las personas en América Latina y el Caribe han sido completamente vacunadas contra el covid-19, dijo la directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Carissa Etienne, en la sesión informativa semanal de este miércoles. Etienne hizo hincapié en que los gobiernos deben monitorear de

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Northern Ireland police to probe abuse at church-run homes

LONDON (AP) — Police in Northern Ireland have announced an investigation into allegations of physical and sexual abuse at church-run institutions that housed unmarried women and their children. Wednesday’s announcement came a day after an independent panel recommended a public inquiry to examine human rights abuses in the homes, so-called Magdalene laundries and workhouses. A

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