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Month: October 2021

Merck solicita a la FDA una autorización de uso de emergencia para el molnupiravir, el antiviral experimental contra el covid-19

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Merck informó este lunes que ha solicitado a la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) una autorización de uso de emergencia para su tratamiento antiviral experimental contra el covid-19, el molnupiravir. Si se concede la autorización, el fármaco, fabricado por Merck y Ridgeback

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Partial results show pro-Iran groups losing Iraq election

By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — Preliminary results in Iraq’s elections show an alliance of pro-Iran candidates emerging as the biggest loser in the country’s national elections. The results, posted online successively, showed the bloc of Iraq’s populist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr maintaining the most seats in parliament, increasing his seats from 54

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Growing sinkhole has neighbors concerned

By Kristen Aguirre Click here for updates on this story     ASHEVILLE, North Carolina (WLOS) — A sinkhole in an Asheville neighborhood has nearly doubled in size, causing concern for residents. “This has been a constant source of stress for two months,” Nat Dickinson, who lives next door to the sinkhole in Montford, said. Dickinson said

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