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Month: September 2021

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his allies

Amid confusion over California’s two-question recall ballot, Newsom’s strategy frustrates some other Democratic candidates

By Maeve Reston, CNN California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his allies have spent the past few weeks ahead of Tuesday’s recall making one direct pitch to Democratic voters — “Vote no and go” — asking them to vote “no” on ousting Newsom and send their ballots back without bothering to answer the second question about

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De premio Nobel a paria mundial: cómo el mundo se equivocó con Abiy Ahmed y Etiopía

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — “Abiy, Abiy”, coreaba la multitud, agitando la bandera tricolor de Etiopía y vitoreando cuando el nuevo primer ministro del país, vestido con un blazer blanco con ribetes dorados y sonriendo ampliamente, saludaba a un estadio de básquetbol abarrotado en la Universidad del Sur de California en Los Ángeles, parte de una

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