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Month: September 2021

Healthcare workers protest vaccine mandate outside Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem

A North Carolina hospital system fired 175 employees who failed to follow its Covid-19 vaccination rule. Over 99% of its workers complied

By Rebekah Riess, CNN Novant Health, a North Carolina not-for-profit system of 15 medical centers with more than 2,300 physicians, said this week it had terminated roughly 175 employees for non-compliance with its mandatory Covid-19 vaccination program. More than 99% of Novant Health team members chose compliance, company President and CEO Carl Armato said in

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Container ships anchored by the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles as they wait to offload on September 20.

The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a ‘system collapse’

By Hanna Ziady, CNN Business Seafarers, truck drivers and airline workers have endured quarantines, travel restrictions and complex Covid-19 vaccination and testing requirements to keep stretched supply chains moving during the pandemic. But many are now reaching their breaking point, posing yet another threat to the badly tangled network of ports, container vessels and trucking

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Los senadores presentan un proyecto de ley cibernética para exigir la presentación de informes sobre ataques tipo ‘ransomware’ y ataques a la infraestructura crítica

Sol Amaya (CNN) — Los principales senadores de la Comisión de Seguridad Nacional presentaron una legislación este martes para exigir a las empresas de infraestructura crítica que informen sobre los ataques cibernéticos al Gobierno federal de Estados Unidos. La iniciativa exige que la mayoría de las organizaciones le informen al Gobierno si realizan pagos por

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (C)

Fact Check: Military testimony on Afghanistan appears to contradict Biden’s previous statements on troop levels

By Tara Subramaniam and Holmes Lybrand, CNN During a Senate hearing on Tuesday over the frenzied US withdrawal from Afghanistan, top generals seemingly contradicted earlier claims from President Joe Biden on the administration’s plan to remove troops. In a mid-August interview, Biden repeatedly disputed that military advisers had told him he should keep troops in

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (C)

Fact Check: Military testimony on Afghanistan appears to contradict Biden’s previous statements on troop levels

By Tara Subramaniam and Holmes Lybrand, CNN During a Senate hearing on Tuesday over the frenzied US withdrawal from Afghanistan, top generals seemingly contradicted earlier claims from President Joe Biden on the administration’s plan to remove troops. In a mid-August interview, Biden repeatedly disputed that military advisers had told him he should keep troops in

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¿Quién tiene más sexo después de los 50 años? Una investigación explora la sexualidad de los adultos

dzaratsian (CNN) — La cantidad de personas con las que tienes relaciones sexuales es una elección individual. Pero ciertos factores del estilo de vida juegan un papel en este número, según explica un estudio reciente realizado por investigadores británicos. Si bien las investigaciones anteriores sobre el comportamiento sexual y sus riesgos potenciales han tendido a

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Tener menos sexo está relacionado con una menopausia más temprana, según estudio

olivertapia (CNN) — Tener relaciones sexuales con menos frecuencia podría conducir a una menopausia más temprana, sugiere un nuevo estudio. Investigadores encontraron que las mujeres que informaron tener actividad sexual semanalmente tenían un 28% menos de probabilidades de haber experimentado la menopausia que aquellas que tuvieron relaciones sexuales menos de una vez al mes. LEE:

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