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Month: September 2021

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1,400 dolphins were killed in the Faroe Islands in one day, shocking even some pro-whalers

By Jeevan Ravindran, Stephanie Halasz, Allegra Goodwin and Sharon Braithwaite, CNN More than 1,400 white-sided dolphins were killed Sunday night in the Faroe Islands, in what local authorities said was a traditional whaling hunt. The killing has been denounced by marine conservation group Sea Shepherd as a “brutal and badly mishandled” massacre, and the largest

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The Covid-19 pandemic remains at the top of voters' minds

California Democrats voted along broader political lines to save Newsom, CNN exit poll shows

By Ariel Edwards-Levy, CNN California’s recall election played out along established partisan lines, according to a California exit poll conducted for CNN and other news networks by Edison Research, with voters’ views on Gov. Gavin Newsom closely tied to their broader political views. In a state as blue as California, that was enough for Newsom

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El primer ministro de Pakistán Imran Khan dice que hay que “darles tiempo” a los talibanes en cuestión de derechos humanos

Alexandra Ferguson Islamabad, Pakistán (CNN) — El primer ministro de Pakistán, Imran Khan, afirmó que la mejor manera de avanzar hacia la paz y la estabilidad en Afganistán es dialogar con los talibanes e “incentivarlos” en cuestiones como los derechos de las mujeres y el gobierno inclusivo. En declaraciones a CNN desde su residencia privada

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