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Month: September 2021

Donald Trump super PAC cuts ties with Corey Lewandowski after a donor alleged unwanted sexual advances. Lewandowski here testifies on Capitol Hill

Trump super PAC cuts ties with Lewandowski after donor alleged unwanted sexual advances

By Michael Warren, CNN Donald Trump’s super PAC has severed ties with Republican operative Corey Lewandowski following reports that a donor accused the former Trump campaign manager of making unwanted sexual advances toward her last weekend. In a statement on Twitter Wednesday night, Taylor Budowich, the spokesman for Trump, announced former Florida attorney general Pam

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A meeting involving South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem

Meeting involving South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, her daughter, and state labor and regulation employees to be reviewed by state authorities

By Jennifer Henderson and Claudia Dominguez, CNN A July 2020 meeting between Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, her daughter and state labor and regulation employees will be reviewed by state authorities following a report that the meeting was called at the same time Noem’s daughter was seeking a state certification as a real estate

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Solo un tercio de los padres dice que vacunaría a sus hijos de 5 a 11 años contra el covid-19 ya mismo, según una encuesta de la KFF

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Solo alrededor de un tercio (el 34%) de los padres de niños de 5 a 11 años dicen que vacunarán a sus hijos tan pronto como la vacuna covid-19 esté disponible para ese grupo de edad, según los nuevos resultados del Vaccine Monitor de la Kaiser Family Foundation publicados este

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