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Month: August 2021

Lanzan al espacio un satélite desarrollado por estudiantes de ingeniería en Puerto Rico

urielblanco (CNN) — El cohete Falcon 9 de la empresa SpaceX despegó este domingo a las 3:14 a.m. rumbo a la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) con el primer satélite que se diseña y construye en Puerto Rico, según informó la Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y el Espacio (NASA). Estudiantes de la Escuela de Ingeniería de

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US officials warn of possible threats to the US in wake of Afghanistan attack and mass evacuation

By Geneva Sands, CNN Federal officials are on high alert for threats to the homeland following the mass evacuation from Afghanistan and devastating attack in Kabul this week that killed US service members and scores of Afghans. The Department of Homeland Security is tracking three primary threats, including whether individuals abroad in Afghanistan, who are

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The Department of Homeland Security is tracking three primary threats

US officials warn of possible threats to the US in wake of Afghanistan attack and mass evacuation

By Geneva Sands, CNN Federal officials are on high alert for threats to the homeland following the mass evacuation from Afghanistan and devastating attack in Kabul this week that killed US service members and scores of Afghans. The Department of Homeland Security is tracking three primary threats, including whether individuals abroad in Afghanistan, who are

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