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Month: August 2021

At a cemetery off Ashland City Highway

Federal lawsuit filed against funeral home directors for failure to send bodies to families

By Caresse Jackman Click here for updates on this story     NASHVILLE, Tennessee (WSMV) — Families and loved ones from Tennessee to Latin America are devastated after learning the bodies of their loved ones were not buried the way they wanted. Now, the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance is investigating several complaints. A federal lawsuit

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Al-Qahtani was subjected to torture methods including sleep deprivation

He is one of only 39 detainees left at Guantanamo. Once tortured, prisoner’s case is a test of larger political realities at play.

By Daniel A. Medina, CNN Nearly two decades ago, in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, a man named Mohammed al-Qahtani was captured on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Saudi national, US authorities alleged, was an al-Qaeda operative who was supposed to have been the “20th hijacker” but he failed to board

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The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is looking for missing 5-year-old Summer Wells from Hawkins County

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation looks for vehicle in missing Summer Wells case

By Marshall Benson Click here for updates on this story     HAWKINS COUNTY, Tennessee (WSMV) — Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) announced an update on Wednesday in their investigation for missing 5-year-old Summer Wells from Hawkins County. TBI said the search “remains active and ongoing.” They added that their agency and detectives are searching for a

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Estados Unidos anuncia restricción de visas para actores corruptos en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador

CNN en Español (CNN Español) — El Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos anuncia nuevas acciones para combatir la corrupción y afianzar la democracia en Centroamérica, lanzando una restricción adicional de visas para actores corruptos y antidemocráticos en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. En un comunicado emitido el miércoles, el Departamento de Estado indicó que

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'Vivo (voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda) and Gabi (Ynairaly Simo) in the animated musical 'Vivo.'

‘Vivo’ gets Lin-Manuel Miranda animated again in a sweet if slight adventure

Review by Brian Lowry, CNN After putting the wind in “Moana‘s” sails with his music and lyrics, Lin-Manuel Miranda brings his stage-honed chops to another animated movie in “Vivo,” a sweet if slight love story built around an inordinately resourceful kinkajou. Premiering on Netflix, Miranda’s songs elevate a small-boned effort — call it cute, without

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Quién es Ebrahim Raisi, el clérigo conservador y juez controversial que se convirtió en presidente electo de Irán

Germán Padinger (CNN Español) — En unas elecciones sin sorpresas, el clérigo ultraconservador y jefe judicial de Irán, Ebrahim Raisi, fue electo presidente el 18 de junio luego de que el Consejo de Guardianes vetara la participación de los principales candidatos reformistas y centristas, y este jueves juró formalmente en el cargo. ¿Pero quién es

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Nuevo presidente de Irán asume en medio de estancamiento en negociaciones nucleares y esperanzas de relajación de tensiones con Arabia Saudita

Germán Padinger (CNN) — Ebrahim Raisi tomó posesión este jueves como presidente de Irán, señalando el comienzo de una nueva era de línea más dura que podría anunciar cambios importantes en las políticas de la República Islámica en el país y en el extranjero. “Juro salvaguardar la religión oficial y el establecimiento de la república islámica

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More than 800 University of Connecticut students have submitted COVID-19 vaccine exemption requests.

More than 800 UConn students have submitted COVID vaccine exemption requests

By Kaitlyn Naples, Kevin Hogan Click here for updates on this story     STORRS, Connecticut (WFSB) — More than 800 University of Connecticut students have submitted COVID-19 vaccine exemption requests. According to a lawsuit filed by students who are against the school’s vaccination requirement, university officials said as of July 23 there had been 771 requests

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