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Month: August 2021

Migrant families are processed by United States Border Patrol after crossing the Rio Grande into the United States in Roma

Fact-checking claims that migrants on the Southern border are to blame for Covid surge

By Tara Subramaniam and Holmes Lybrand, CNN While Covid-19 continues to spike across the country and in southern states with lower vaccination rates, Republicans have tried pinning blame for the rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths on illegal immigration and President Joe Biden’s policies at the southern border. During an August 4 press conference, Florida

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Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins asked a Texas court on August 9 for a temporary restraining order against portions of Gov. Greg Abbott's July executive order involving mask mandates as "unenforceable

Dallas County judge asks for temporary restraining order against governor’s mask mandate ban

By Keith Allen, CNN Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins asked a Texas court Monday for a temporary restraining order seeking to hold portions of Gov. Greg Abbott’s July executive order involving mask mandates “unenforceable,” according to a statement from the judge’s office. Abbott last month issued an executive order that combined many of his earlier

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The Biden administration reportedly won’t be turning over former President Donald Trump’s tax returns

House Democrats won’t have a shot at getting Trump’s tax returns from the IRS until at least November

By Katelyn Polantz, CNN Reporter, Crime and Justice The Biden administration won’t be turning over former President Donald Trump’s tax returns to the House until at least November, despite the recent dramatic Justice Department opinion that the IRS “must” hand them over. A federal judge will hear arguments then on whether Trump can block the

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Cuomo está en ‘modo pelea’ pese a que sus asesores intentan convencerlo de que renuncie

olivertapia (CNN) — Los confidentes más cercanos del gobernador de Nueva York, Andrew Cuomo, pasaron el fin de semana tratando de convencer al demócrata de que renunciara, dijeron fuentes a CNN, un esfuerzo que ocurre en medio de las consecuencias de un informe que halló que el gobernador acosó sexualmente a varias mujeres. Cuomo, dijo

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