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Month: August 2021

The Texas Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a judge’s temporary restraining order that had prevented the arrest of Texas House Democrats

Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocks judge’s order that prevented arrest of quorum-busting Texas Democrats

By Dianne Gallagher, Wesley Bruer and Jade Gordon, CNN The Texas Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a state district judge’s temporary restraining order that had prevented the arrest of Texas House Democrats, who left the state last month in an attempt to stop the passage of restrictive voting bills. The ruling means that many of

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Corea del Norte lanza una advertencia a EE.UU. y Corea del Sur por ‘actos hostiles’

olivertapia Seúl (CNN) — Un alto funcionario de Corea del Norte denunció a Corea del Sur por sus ejercicios militares conjuntos con Estados Unidos, que deben comenzar esta semana, y advirtió que tales acciones podrían provocar “una grave crisis de seguridad”. “Se les debe hacer comprender claramente lo caro que tendrán que pagar por responder

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A Chinese court has sentenced Canadian businessman Michael Spavor

Canadian businessman Michael Spavor sentenced by Chinese court to 11 years in prison for spying

By Ben Westcott, CNN A Chinese court has sentenced Canadian businessman Michael Spavor to 11 years in prison for espionage, more than two years after he was first detained. Spavor, a Beijing-based businessman who regularly traveled to North Korea, was sentenced after being found guilty of spying and illegally providing state secrets to foreign countries,

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