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Month: August 2021

El Departamento de Educación investiga a estados por posibles violaciones a los derechos civiles por prohibir órdenes de uso de mascarillas

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — El organismo encargado de velar por el cumplimiento de los derechos civiles del Departamento de Educación anunció el lunes que inició investigaciones en cinco estados para determinar si las políticas estatales que prohíben los mandatos de uso de mascarillas en las escuelas son discriminatorias para los estudiantes con discapacidades. La Oficina

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US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine advisers were told

Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against severe disease has not dropped much, CDC says

By Maggie Fox, CNN Overall effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines has not dropped much yet for most vaccinated Americans, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine advisers were told Monday. CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met Monday to discuss the potential eventual need for booster doses of coronavirus vaccine — although they did not

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Republican Congressman and US military veteran Adam Kinzinger

‘I hope I’m wrong’: GOP lawmaker explains mixed feelings over leaving Afghanistan in Taliban control

By Devan Cole, CNN Republican Congressman and US military veteran Adam Kinzinger on Monday reflected on the closing of America’s longest war, saying that while he’s relieved, Afghanistan now being under Taliban control has left him with mixed emotions. “At the one hand, it’s great relief that we got those thousands of military members out

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Republican Congressman and US military veteran Adam Kinzinger

‘I hope I’m wrong’: GOP lawmaker explains mixed feelings over leaving Afghanistan in Taliban control

By Devan Cole, CNN Republican Congressman and US military veteran Adam Kinzinger on Monday reflected on the closing of America’s longest war, saying that while he’s relieved, Afghanistan now being under Taliban control has left him with mixed emotions. “At the one hand, it’s great relief that we got those thousands of military members out

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Huracán Nora: al menos una persona fallecida y una desaparecida tras el paso de la tormenta por costas de Jalisco, México

urielblanco (CNN) — El huracán Nora, de categoría 1, dejó al menos una persona fallecida (un menor de edad), una desaparecida (la madre del menor) y numerosos daños en su paso por Jalisco, en el occidente de México, entre ellos el desbordamiento de tres ríos y el desplome parcial de un edificio en Puerto Vallarta

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