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Month: July 2021

The three appointees of former President Donald Trump have together sealed the Supreme Court's conservatism for a generation

Trump’s appointees are turning the Supreme Court to the right with different tactics

By Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer The three appointees of former President Donald Trump have together sealed the Supreme Court’s conservatism for a generation, but they have revealed strikingly different methods. They diverge in their regard for practical consequences, their desire to lay down markers for future disputes and their show

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A protester tries to push away a police horse in Sydney on July 24

Sydney Covid cases expected to rise after anti-lockdown protest as two charged for allegedly hitting police horse

By Helen Regan, CNN Two men have been charged with animal cruelty for allegedly striking a police horse during anti-lockdown protests in Sydney, Australia on Saturday, police said, as daily Covid-19 cases in New South Wales state continue to rise. Thousands of people breached coronavirus measures and marched through the center of Australia’s biggest city

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Hackeos de teléfonos a nivel mundial exponen el lado más oscuro de la imagen de “nación startup” de Israel

urielblanco (CNN) — Audaces operaciones de espionaje del Mossad en todo el mundo. La emprendedora “nación de las startups” que alberga montones de ideas multimillonarias. Estos son dos motores de la imagen de Israel en el extranjero que sus líderes políticos y empresariales se complacen en promover desde hace tiempo. Esa imagen parece haber sufrido

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