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Month: July 2021

Los incendios forestales han hecho estragos en todo el mundo, calcinando lugares que no solían incendiarse

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN)– Yakutsk, en la Siberia rusa, es conocida como la ciudad más fría del mundo. En un lugar en el que una simple nariz expuesta durante los meses de invierno puede provocar un dolor punzante, la gente está acostumbrada a tomar precauciones contra las temperaturas gélidas, entre ellas dedicar un tiempo extra por

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Cat found hiding in burning home

By WCVB Staff Click here for updates on this story     WAREHAM, Massachussets (WCVB) — Wareham firefighters rescued a cat found hiding in a burning home early Monday. Crews were called at 2:17 a.m. to 33 Long Boat Road, where they found the home heavily involved in fire. Three residents escaped the fire without injury. A

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A growing group of rank-and-file House Republicans wants House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and GOP leadership to punish Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for accepting a position from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection.

Growing group of GOP members wants McCarthy to punish Kinzinger and Cheney for joining January 6 committee

By Ryan Nobles and Melanie Zanona, CNN A growing group of rank-and-file House Republicans wants House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and GOP leadership to punish Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for accepting a position from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection. The push to seek

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La segunda dosis de la vacuna covid-19 es segura incluso después de una reacción alérgica a la primera, según un estudio

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — Una segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el covid-19 es segura para las personas que tuvieron reacciones alérgicas a la primera dosis, informaron investigadores este lunes. Incluso las personas que tuvieron reacciones anafilácticas graves a la primera dosis toleran una segunda, informaron los investigadores en la revista JAMA Internal Medicine.

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