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Month: July 2021

El plan de un aventurero de caminar sobre el agua hasta Nueva York en una burbuja flotante termina en una playa de Florida

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — El atleta extremo Ray “Reza” Baluchi planeaba pasar las próximas tres o cuatro semanas en el océano Atlántico “caminando” desde Florida hasta Nueva York en una embarcación con forma de rueda de hámster a la que llama su burbuja. Los problemas de equipamiento lo obligaron a abandonar el esfuerzo después de

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El mayor minorista de Estados Unidos cubrirá el 100% de la matrícula universitaria de sus trabajadores

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN Business) — Walmart pagará la totalidad de la matrícula universitaria y los costos de los libros en algunas escuelas para sus trabajadores de EE.UU.; se trata del más reciente esfuerzo del mayor empleador privado del país para hacer más atractivas sus prestaciones, en su intento de atraer y retener el talento en

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Health guidance issued July 27 recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors if they're in areas with "substantial" or "high" transmission of Covid-19.

What the CDC’s ‘substantial’ and ‘high’ levels of Covid-19 transmission actually mean

By Eric Levenson and Jessica Firger, CNN Health guidance issued Tuesday recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors if they’re in areas with “substantial” or “high” transmission of Covid-19. But what do “substantial” and “high” actually mean? The two terms are part of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s four-tiered system that

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Attorney General Merrick Garland's effort to restore public trust in the Justice Department quietly may be turning into one progressive Democrats like

Liberals may end up liking much of Garland’s Justice Department after all

By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Correspondent Attorney General Merrick Garland’s effort to restore public trust in the Justice Department quietly may be turning into one progressive Democrats like, after months of handwringing among some critics on the left that he would block accountability for Trump-era abuses. In a court filing Tuesday, the Justice Department rejected

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Jared Kushner -- former senior adviser to

Jared Kushner is starting an investment firm and leaving politics for the foreseeable future

By Kate Bennett, CNN Jared Kushner — former senior adviser to, and son-in-law of, ex-President Donald Trump — intends to start a Miami-based investment firm called Affinity Partners, a person familiar with Kushner’s plans for the business told CNN. Kushner’s transition to finance means he will not be involved in politics in the foreseeable future,

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