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Month: July 2021

Denunciantes de Bill Cosby esperan que la decisión de liberarlo no desanime a las supervivientes a compartir sus historias

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — La condena por agresión sexual de Bill Cosby, el primer juicio penal de celebridades de alto perfil de la era #MeToo, fue revocada, pero sus denunciantes esperan que el movimiento siga inspirando a las víctimas a declarar. «Es un mensaje desalentador para las supervivientes de agresiones sexuales», dijo Patricia Leary Steuer,

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Mayor apologizes for park lockdown

By WJZ Staff Click here for updates on this story     BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore Mayor apologized on behalf of the city for the 2017 lockdown of Harlem Park by Baltimore Police Wednesday. On Monday, four residents from the neighborhood reached a settlement in a lawsuit filed against the Baltimore City Police Department and former Police

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A hate-filled attack made a grandson of Holocaust survivors understand their experience a little more. But he decided to buck their advice

By Antonia Mortensen, Melissa Bell and Saskya Vandoorne, CNN Elie Rosen had never really listened as a child when his grandparents told him and his cousins to keep their heads down. He knew they had survived the Holocaust but he believed the world’s vow of “never again” and saw no reason for his generation of

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Talks with Taliban are making ‘very little progress’ as militant group gains momentum, says Afghan official

By Sandi Sidhu and Anna Coren, CNN As US President Joe Biden prepares for the formal withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, the man responsible for peace talks between the rampant Taliban and the official Afghan government is not entirely optimistic about the country’s future. Abdullah Abdullah, an Afghan official who leads the High Council

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Abdullah Abdullah

Talks with Taliban are making ‘very little progress’ as militant group gains momentum, says Afghan official

By Sandi Sidhu and Anna Coren, CNN As US President Joe Biden prepares for the formal withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, the man responsible for peace talks between the rampant Taliban and the official Afghan government is not entirely optimistic about the country’s future. Abdullah Abdullah, an Afghan official who leads the High Council

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After Push From LGBTQ+ Activists, Elk Grove Village Takes Antiquated Ban On Wearing ‘Clothes Belonging To The Opposite Sex’ Off Books

By Dana Kozlov Click here for updates on this story     ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Illinois (WBBM) — Only men should wear pants and women wear skirts – that is the gist of a law still in effect in many Chicago suburbs. As CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov reported, Elk Grove Village took action against that

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The science behind Firework colors

The holiday weekend is coming up quickly, and fireworks will light up the night sky in several places across mid-Missouri within the next few days. Today’s Insider Blog with give you a little lesson in chemistry. So grab your goggles and safety gloves… and don’t forget the closed toe shoes because fireworks are all about

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