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Month: July 2021

Un video recientemente publicado muestra un presunto abuso en una instalación correccional de Nueva Jersey que pronto cerrará

Mariana Toro (CNN) — Un video recientemente publicado y obtenido por CNN muestra a agentes penitenciarios presuntamente abusando de las reclusas en un centro correccional para mujeres que pronto cerrará en Nueva Jersey. Las imágenes editadas muestran a los agentes correccionales sacando a las presas de sus celdas, restringiendo físicamente a las presas, golpeando a

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The Florida Wildlife Corridor is nearly 18 million acres of natural wonder. The state just took a significant step to keep it alive

By Scottie Andrew, CNN Photographs by Carlton Ward Jr./Florida Wild Wedged between Florida’s two coasts are some of the richest ecosystems in the US, teeming with native wildlife that prefers to be hidden from human view. The animals’ natural lives for the most part remain a secret to Floridians. To catch glimpses of them in

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IBM CEO: The biggest challenge holding back our economy right now

Opinion by Arvind Krishna for CNN Business Perspectives We’re already beginning to see the contours of what our new post-pandemic digital economy will look like. Whether it is cloud-based platforms or AI-powered software, businesses across every industry are reshaping their future around the possibilities of these powerful and exciting technologies. In manufacturing, a factory floor

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