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Month: July 2021

Tracking a cool start to a wet week ahead

Tonight: Scattered showers remain with us in Mid-Missouri throughout Sunday evening. We will see cooler than average lows bottoming out at 64.Tomorrow: The low-pressure system located in Northern Missouri will continue to slowly push northeast throughout the duration of Monday leading to more scattered showers enabling us to stay well below the average high of

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Guards guard the morgue where the body of President Jovenel Moise was being held on July 10.

Haitians hope ‘the truth will come out’ as foreign investigators probe assassination of their President

By Caitlin Hu, Etant Dupain, Stefano Pozzebon, Matt Rivers and Natalie Gallón, CNN Agents from the United States and other nations are joining the criminal inquiry into the assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise following days of dizzying intrigue. Moise was killed Wednesday in his home in a shocking incident for which authorities are still

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Papa Francisco rezó desde la ventana del hospital en su primera aparición pública tras la operación

urielblanco (CNN) — El papa Francisco apareció en público este domingo por primera vez desde que fue operado por diverticulitis de colon la semana pasada, y lo hizo dando su oración semanal del Ángelus desde una ventana del hospital. “Estoy feliz de poder cumplir con la cita dominical del Ángelus, también aquí desde el Policlinico Gemelli”,

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