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Month: July 2021

Grupo de ransomware que atacó a un proveedor de carne desaparece misteriosamente de internet

Alexandra Ferguson Washington (CNN Business) — REvil, el grupo de ransomware que atacó al proveedor de carne JBS Foods esta primavera boreal y a un importante proveedor de software IT este mes, desapareció misteriosamente de internet, según los expertos en ciberseguridad que hacen un seguimiento del grupo. Los sitios web y otras infraestructuras pertenecientes al

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Otra ola de calor abrasará el suroeste de EE.UU. este fin de semana; se eleva la preocupación por incendios forestales

Mariana Toro (CNN) — El calor sofocante está abrasando el oeste de Estados Unidos a medida que se acerca el fin de semana, con el empeoramiento de las condiciones históricas de sequía y el aumento del peligro de incendios en gran parte del noroeste. Las altas temperaturas diurnas en todo el oeste amenazarán los récords

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The Penelakut Tribe in British Columbia announced July 13 that it had found more than 160 "undocumented and unmarked' graves in the province's Southern Gulf Islands

More unmarked graves discovered in British Columbia at a former indigenous residential school known as ‘Canada’s Alcatraz’

By Paula Newton, CNN The Penelakut Tribe in British Columbia announced Monday that it had found more than 160 “undocumented and unmarked’ graves in the province’s Southern Gulf Islands, once home to the Kuper Island Residential School. The latest grim discovery follows other similar findings in British Columbia as well as in the province of

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More than 38% of Democratic Senate staffers identify as non-Caucasian

Diversity survey finds 38.3% of Democratic Senate staffers identify as non-Caucasian

By Daniella Diaz and Ali Zaslav, CNN More than 38% of Democratic Senate staffers identify as non-Caucasian, an increase from the survey in 2020, where 34.8% of Democratic Senate staffers identified as non-Caucasian, according to a new survey released by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office Tuesday evening. According to the survey, 38.3% of Democratic

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Trump dijo que quien ‘filtró’ información sobre su estancia en el búnker de la Casa Blanca debería ser ‘ejecutado’, según un nuevo libro

Alexandra Ferguson Washington (CNN) —  El entonces presidente Donald Trump dijo a varios de sus asesores en 2020 que quien había filtrado información sobre su estancia en el búnker de la Casa Blanca en mayo de ese año había cometido traición y debía ser ejecutado por compartir detalles sobre el episodio con la prensa, según

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Representative Chris Turner joins other Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives

‘We’re buying some time’: Texas Democrats heap pressure on Biden, Congress for voting rights action

By Eric Bradner, CNN Texas House Democrats said Tuesday they can only hold off Republicans’ push for restrictive new voting laws for weeks, as they urged President Joe Biden and Democratic members of Congress to look for new ways to implement federal protections — including backing South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn’s call for a filibuster

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Justice Clarence Thomas on July 13 rejected an emergency request to block Biden administration's Covid-19 mask requirement for public travel.

Justice Clarence Thomas rejects longshot bid to disrupt Biden’s mask mandate for public transport

By Tierney Sneed, CNN Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday rejected an emergency request to block Biden administration’s Covid-19 mask requirement for public travel. The request was brought by a man seeking to leave Florida by airplane, who said his Generalized Anxiety Disorder prevented him from wearing a mask. While the Supreme Court has been willing

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