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Month: July 2021

Los familiares del activista cubano José Daniel Ferrer denuncian que desconocen su paradero y estado de salud

CNNEE (CNN Español) — En las últimas dos semanas, familiares del opositor cubano José Daniel Ferrer han estado reclamando en redes sociales información acerca del paradero y estado de salud. El hermano de Ferrer, Luis Enrique Ferrer, quien se encuentra en la ciudad de Miami y mantiene comunicación con sus familiares en Cuba informó a

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A string of tornados caused damage in southeast Wisconsin on July 29.

Four tornadoes leave damage

By Brendan Cullerton Click here for updates on this story     JEFFERSON COUNTY, Wisconsin (WDJT) — The National Weather Service (NWS) confirmed four tornadoes in southeast Wisconsin early Thursday, July 29. The first tornado, an EF0, touched down at 1:05 a.m. just southwest of Watertown, Jefferson County, with damage along Hilltop Road just north of Highway

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A couch sits in the parking lot of the Crestwood Apartments on E. 37th Street in Davenport

Renters claim years of landlord neglect

By Tom Barton Click here for updates on this story     DAVENPORT, Iowa (Quad-City Times) — Alexas Donelson walked down two half-flights of stairs, making sure to duck around the insect-covered strip of flypaper hanging from the ceiling, to a water-soaked, carpeted hallway. Donelson paused just outside the doorway to the three-story, 12-unit apartment building’s laundry

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