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Month: May 2021

TikTok has a new CEO

TikTok has finally appointed a new permanent chief executive, eight months after its former leader called it quits as the United States was threatening to ban the app. The company on Friday announced that it had named Shouzi Chew as CEO. He joined the company earlier this year as chief financial officer of ByteDance, TikTok’s

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Chinese man dodges two navies to cross Taiwan Strait by rubber dinghy in search of ‘freedom and democracy’

A Chinese man crossed the highly-militarized Taiwan Strait in a small rubber dinghy Saturday in search of “freedom and democracy,” Taiwanese police said. According to police captain Shih Chun-hsu, the man, surnamed Zhou, was spotted late Friday evening near the port of Taichung after crossing the roughly 80 kilometer (50 mile) stretch of water from

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