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Month: May 2021

Here’s everything you can’t get now

Chicken, lumber, microchips, gas, steel, metals, chlorine and ketchup packets: What do they all have in common? They’re all (nearly) impossible to find. Shortages are popping up across the supply chain as the pandemic messes with shipping, demand, supply and all the other levers of the global economy. Here’s what’s hard to get, why and

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More than 200 hurt as Israeli police clash with Palestinians at Jerusalem mosque, Palestinian Red Crescent says

At least 205 people were injured at Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa mosque after Israeli police in riot gear clashed with Palestinians following evening prayers, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. Eighty-eight of the injured were taken to hospital for treatment, with most suffering from wounds caused by rubber-coated bullets, the Red Crescent said. About 20 were

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