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Month: May 2021

Conservative agenda dominates Texas, despite Democratic hopes of turning the state blue

On Election Day in November, Democrats across Texas waited with hopeful anticipation. High early-voter turnout, recent political trends and changing demographics fueled one burning question: Could the state actually turn blue this cycle? By midnight, the answer was a resounding no. Then-President Donald Trump easily carried Texas, by 5.6 percentage points. And while Democrats gained

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Biden signs order establishing White House initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday renewing a White House initiative charged with advancing “equity, justice, and opportunity” for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, including coordinating a “comprehensive” federal response to the rise in anti-Asian violence and discrimination. “… For far too long, systemic barriers to equity, justice, and opportunity

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Spain’s postal service ends its skin color-inspired stamp campaign that made the lightest stamps the most expensive

Correos, Spain’s postal service, ended a widely derided stamp campaign inspired by different skin tones, just three days after its launch, following criticism that it perpetuated racism. The government-run postal service earlier this week debuted “Equality Stamps,” a collection of four stamps meant to represent different skin colors. The palest of the stamps cost 90

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Homeland Security says commemorations of Tulsa race massacre could be target for White supremacists, but there is no specific threat

The Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning that events associated with the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre could be targets for racial violence, according to a source familiar with the warning. These events “probably are attractive targets for some racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists to commit violence,” the Wednesday

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