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Month: April 2021

Justice Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Facebook, Google and Twitter

Justice Clarence Thomas suggested on Monday that Congress should consider whether laws should be updated to better regulate social media platforms that, he said, have come to have “unbridled control” over “unprecedented” amounts of speech. The provocative and controversial opinion comes as Twitter banned former President Donald Trump from its platform for violating its rules

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Minneapolis Police chief says Derek Chauvin’s actions were ‘in no way, shape or form’ proper policy

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo on Monday thoroughly rejected Derek Chauvin’s actions during the arrest of George Floyd last May as contrary to department policy. “Once Mr. Floyd had stopped resisting, and certainly once he was in distress and trying to verbalize that, that should have stopped,” Arradondo testified during Chauvin’s criminal trial. “There is

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Minneapolis Police chief says Derek Chauvin’s actions were ‘in no way, shape or form’ proper policing

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo on Monday thoroughly rejected Derek Chauvin’s actions during the arrest of George Floyd last May as contrary to department policy. “Once Mr. Floyd had stopped resisting, and certainly once he was in distress and trying to verbalize that, that should have stopped,” Arradondo testified during Chauvin’s criminal trial. “There is

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Residents complain about new trash cans

Click here for updates on this story     CHICAGO (WBBM) — Dozens of Des Plaines residents are blaming the city’s new trash and recycling company for bins blowing down the road. And delivering broken containers. CBS 2’s Brandon Merano spoke to neighbors about their garbage gripes. The biggest complaint from people is the wheels falling off

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