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Month: April 2021

Ex-NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5 in South Carolina before taking his own life, authorities say

Former NFL player Phillip Adams killed five people — including a prominent doctor, his wife and their two young grandchildren — at the physician’s South Carolina home Wednesday before killing himself in his own family’s home nearby, authorities said. Investigators believe Adams, 32, forced his way into Dr. Robert Lesslie’s home in Rock Hill and

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Mueller fraud investigator brought in to help Vance’s probe of Trump Org.

A former FBI forensic accountant key to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election is one of several accountants working on the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into the Trump Organization, people familiar with the matter say. Morgan Magionos, who was a lynchpin to the prosecution of former President Donald

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EPA replaces Trump-era chemical guidance, calling it ‘compromised’ by politics

The Biden-led Environmental Protection Agency says Trump administration political officials “compromised” an assessment of chemical dangers and has replaced it with a new one they say “upholds the tenants of scientific integrity.” “The assessment posted today fixes the errors in the version issued earlier this year, was developed by EPA career scientists, and upholds the

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