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Month: March 2021

Biden administration projects at least 34,100 more beds needed to shelter migrant children

The Biden administration could need at least 34,100 additional beds to keep up with the projected number of unaccompanied kids arriving at the US-Mexico border through September, according to internal government estimates obtained by CNN. The uptick in minors crossing the US southern border alone has posed a steep challenge for the administration, as officials

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COVID-19 vaccines may require regular updates until infections die down, study suggests

Click here for updates on this story     Toronto, Ontario (CTV Network) — Just like influenza vaccines, which are adjusted each year to combat viruses as they change and mutate, COVID-19 vaccines may need similar alterations until infection rates decrease, a recent study suggests. Influenza viruses are fast-changing, making it difficult for the human body to

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Strengthen your heart like a pro athlete

When you think of professional athletes training, you might have an image of impossibly grueling workouts that the average person could never get through. That isn’t exactly accurate. The biggest difference between the way the general public works out and how the pros approach training is style. Understanding how pro athletes take care of themselves

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