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Month: March 2021

Myanmar protesters trapped in late-night standoff as military tries to silence independent media

A post-coup crackdown by Myanmar’s military appeared to intensify Monday as security forces revoked the licenses of five independent media companies before a late-night standoff that saw hundreds of young protesters trapped in Yangon. Military junta forces had cornered hundreds of people in Sanchaung township, in the country’s biggest city, and threatened to go door

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Your own private Patagonia

The condors gave it away. Instead of soaring in circles on thermals high overhead, a group of Andean condors was traveling low to the ground. Some even landed tentatively before lumbering back up into the air only to touch down again near the same spot near one of the dirt roads that run through the

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A safer future is just months away. But Americans shouldn’t give up on Covid-19 safety measures yet, former CDC director says

A safer future is just a few months away, but it’s crucial that Americans keep practicing Covid-19 safety precautions and heeding health officials’ advice as the country works to vaccinate more people, one expert told CNN on Monday. “We’re not done yet, Covid isn’t done with us. The variants are still a risk,” Dr. Tom

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Georgia remains at center of voting rights fight after state Senate passes bill to restrict those rights

Georgia Republicans have advanced a sweeping bill in the state Senate that further restricts voting — keeping a state that was pivotal to the 2020 elections at the forefront of the GOP backlash against expanded voting. The expansive package, which passed by a narrow margin Monday, would repeal no-excuse absentee voting for many Georgians —

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