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Month: March 2021

A Harvard professor argued that Korean women forced into sex slavery in WWII did so voluntarily. Now he’s facing a backlash

A Harvard professor has sparked international backlash after publishing an academic article arguing that Korean comfort women — sent against their will to imperial Japan to have sex with soldiers — were not actually forced into their prostitution but that they actually chose their positions. J. Mark Ramseyer, a Harvard Law School professor specializing in

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‘Stop talking about Dr. Seuss and start working with us’: Democratic congressman lashes out at GOP colleagues over pro-union bill

Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan lashed out at his Republican counterparts on Tuesday as the House debated a pro-union bill, urging the party to end its preoccupation with the recent shelving of six controversial Dr. Seuss books so it can “start working with us on behalf of the American workers.” In a heated brief speech on

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Pentagon carrying out an urgent review to determine which bases are ‘high-risk’ for sexual assault

The Pentagon is carrying out an urgent review to determine which US military installations and units are “high-risk” for service members becoming victims of sexual harassment and assault. The review was ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin who issued a memo in late February and follows the unveiling of a wider inquiry into sexual assault

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