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Month: March 2021

Jayapal asks for investigations into three GOP members for their role in instigating the Capitol Insurrection

Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington has sent letters to the House Committee on Ethics and the Office of Congressional Ethics requesting they launch investigations into three Republican lawmakers, over accusations of the trio “instigating and aiding” the deadly January 6 riot on the Capitol. Jayapal asks the two groups to “thoroughly investigate” the activity

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There’s a new surge of kids at the border, but the Biden administration won’t call it a crisis

Unaccompanied minors from Central America are again overwhelming the US immigration system as they cross the US-Mexico border. The new administration has worked hard to distinguish President Joe Biden‘s focus on a humanitarian immigration policy from his predecessor’s hard-line approach. But right now, the fact is that there are kids detained at the border in

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First on CNN: Watchdog group requests investigation into 13 GOP lawmakers for misusing proxy voting

A nonprofit watchdog group has filed a complaint with the House Committee on Ethics, requesting an investigation into 13 Republican House members who used the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to skip in-person votes to attend a conservative conference last month. The Campaign for Accountability in its complaint requested guidance “explaining that members of Congress

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