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Month: February 2021

United Airlines flight suffers engine failure, sending debris falling on neighborhoods outside Denver

A United Airlines flight was forced to return to Denver International Airport Saturday after it suffered an engine failure shortly after takeoff, sending aircraft debris raining down on soccer fields, homes and yards in a Denver suburb. United Flight 328 returned to the airport around 1:30 p.m. after suffering an engine issue, an airport spokesperson

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Trump to speak at CPAC in first public appearance since leaving White House

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, next Sunday, according to a source familiar with the matter. The source, who is familiar with the former President’s speech, told CNN on Saturday that “he’ll be talking about the future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.” “Also

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United Airlines flight returns to airport as aircraft debris found in neighborhoods outside Denver

A United Airlines flight bound for Honolulu returned to Denver International Airport Saturday after suffering an engine failure with debris from the aircraft falling onto a Denver suburb. United Flight 328 returned safely to the airport around 1:30 p.m. after suffering an engine issue, an airport spokesman told CNN. The flight returned about 20 minutes

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What Biden’s future hinges on

When Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis ran for President against George H. W. Bush in 1988, he made competence one of his major campaign themes. Instead of claiming to be a visionary politician or a champion of liberalism, Dukakis highlighted his technocratic managerial expertise. “This election isn’t about ideology,” Dukakis argued, “It’s about competence. It’s not

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