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Month: February 2021

Valentine’s Day Fast Facts

Here’s some background information about Valentine’s Day, celebrated every February 14. Facts There are several different theories about the origins of Valentine’s Day. The ancient Romans held the festival of Lupercalia on February 15 to protect themselves from wolves. Men struck people with strips of animal hide; women believed that this made them more fertile.

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Iraq Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the country of Iraq which borders Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran and the Persian Gulf. About Iraq (from the CIA World Factbook)Area: 438,317 sq km Population: 39,650,145 (2021 est.) Median age: 21.2 years (2020 est.) Capital: Baghdad Ethnic Groups: Arab 75%-80%, Kurdish 15%-20% or other 5% (1987 est.) Religion:

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Washington Post: Manhattan DA considering prosecuting Steve Bannon after Trump pardon

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is considering bringing state charges against Steve Bannon related to the same border wall fundraising campaign fraud scheme for which he was federally charged and then granted a presidential pardon, according to The Washington Post. Discussions on whether a state case can be brought against Bannon for his role in

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Trump’s impeachment defense takes shape

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump filed a 14-page brief Tuesday that previews two main arguments we can expect to hear when the Senate impeachment trial kicks off next week: That the Senate cannot vote to impeach Trump when he no longer holds office That Trump’s speech about the election and before the January 6

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Clarence Thomas’ wife apologizes to his former clerks for divide that developed amid fallout over Capitol riot

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas and a longtime conservative activist, has apologized to his former Supreme Court clerks for her role in creating a divide between them that came after her post-election support of former President Donald Trump and her early endorsement of Trump’s January 6 rally that later resulted in a

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Trump powers GOP schism over Greene and Cheney

The Republican civil war hits a critical moment on Wednesday over the fate of two prominent lawmakers who represent rival visions for a party torn by the toxic but still powerful influence of Donald Trump. Real-time reckonings for third-ranked GOP House leader Liz Cheney and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a freshman congresswoman who has espoused

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