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Month: January 2021

Biden’s pick for UN ambassador to call for re-engagement with UN to counter Chinese influence

President Joe Biden’s nominee for US ambassador to the United Nations plans to voice her support for the country’s re-engagement in the multilateral institution in order to counter Chinese influence during a Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday, according to excerpts of her testimony obtained by CNN. “When America shows up — when we are consistent

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‘Too little, too late’: Dethroned Italian prince criticized over apology for King’s role in rubber-stamping fascist laws

A letter from a descendent of Italy’s wartime King, apologizing for his ancestor’s role in enabling Mussolini’s fascist policies during World War II, has been criticized by historians and Jewish groups after several decades of silence from members of the disbanded royal family. Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, the great-grandson of King Victor Emmanuel III, wrote

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Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for production

The internet is buzzing over a new technology created by Microsoft developers that could make it possible to have a virtual conversation with a deceased loved one (well, kind of). A patent granted to Microsoft last month details a method for creating a conversational chatbot modeled after a specific person — a “past or present

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Trump adds another South Carolina lawyer to impeachment defense team amid questions of whether he will pay them

Former President Donald Trump has expanded his impeachment legal team by tapping a former prosecutor-turned-criminal defense lawyer, an addition that comes as Trump and his allies scramble to prepare a defense with less than two weeks until the Senate trial. The addition of Deborah Barbier, a lawyer with a reputation for tackling high-profile, controversial clients,

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Rand Paul calls impeachment ‘dead on arrival’ after most Republicans signal that trial is unconstitutional

The Senate tabled an effort by Sen. Rand Paul Tuesday to force a vote on the constitutionality of former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, but the vote offered an indicator for how Republican senators — who overwhelmingly voted for Paul’s measure — feel about the trial. Paul’s motion was killed on a 55-45 vote, with

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Newly released incident reports paint timeline of the fire that led to Tony Hsieh’s death

The investigation into the house fire that led to former Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s death is now concluded, the New London, Connecticut, Police Department announced Tuesday. Police said they found “no criminal violations and/or aspects in association with” the November 18 fire. Hsieh’s death was announced in late November by a spokesperson for DTP Companies,

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Seoul’s mayor died before he could face sexual harassment claims in court. A new report says the allegations were credible

Seoul’s former mayor died last year in an apparent suicide after his secretary accused him of sexual harassment. Now, an investigation by a human rights watchdog in South Korea has found that her accusations were credible. In a report released Monday, the independent National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRC) found that former mayor Park

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