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Month: January 2021

Nearly a dozen Republican senators announce plans to vote against counting electoral votes

Nearly a dozen Republican senators and senators-elect announced Saturday they will vote against counting electoral votes next week when Congress is expected to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory — despite no credible evidence suggesting widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. The 11 Republican lawmakers said they intend to support an objection to the Electoral

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Trump attacks No. 2 Senate Republican as the President turns on allies in his final days in office

President Donald Trump is spending his final days in office attacking leadership within his own party, this time the second-highest ranking Republican in the Senate, offering a possible preview of his broader post-presidential strategy to use his influence in the 2022 midterm elections and beyond. Trump, back at the White House after his Mar-a-Lago holiday

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Tesla hit half-million car target in 2020

Tesla hit its goal of building a half-million cars in 2020, a first for the company, it reported Saturday. The completed deliveries to customers, which is slightly different from the production figure, fell just short of that same goal as it delivered 499,550 cars. That sales total rounds up to the 500,000 target, though. The

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Bitcoin soars past $33,000, its highest ever

Bitcoin has been flirting with the $30,000 mark for weeks, and finally passed that record-setting level Saturday. The virtual currency is now valued at above $33,000, an all-time high. Bitcoin has tripled in value during 2020, growing steadily even as the stock market plunged in the early days of the pandemic. Investors have been drawn

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